Connection error
Why can not I connect. Please tell me what to do first.
For WordPress, please return to the default theme and plugin once and try. If you connect with that, there are causes for your theme and plugin.
WordPress can not read past articles.
If there is an error in the theme or plug-in, I confirm that I can not load the article. Please try loading again after setting the theme and plug-in to the default state once. If you can load it with that, there are causes for themes and plugins.
How to use
Where can I specify the continuation?
By entering <!– More –> you can specify the following sentences as a continuation.
You can also input from the More button on the toolbar.
What is the specification of line feed for SLPRO EX?
SLPRO EX will post in ‘Reflect line breaks’.
What is Endpoint?
The endpoint is the URL that this app communicates with WordPress and Movable Type.
For the default WordPress, the endpoint is “BlogURL /xmlphp.php”.(Example: http: //
If you have changed the location of xmlrpc.php, please specify that location in the URL.
For the default Movable Type, the endpoint is “BlogURL /mt/mt-xmlrpc.cgi”.(Example: http: //
Which blog service does SLPRO EX support?
It corresponds to the latest WordPress and the latest Movable Type 6 only.
I want to contact the developer.
Please carefully read the FAQ before contacting us.
And please make sure that Mac and your blog service are up to date.
When making inquiries, please specify the procedure up to the problem concretely. We can not deal with this unless you understand the contents of your question.
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